
jan 4 sat contra dance w/red case band mettabee farm hillsdale, ny

jan 18-19 contra carnivale w/gaslight tinkers san luis obispo, ca

jan 24 fri concert w/gaslight tinkers putney, vt

jan 25 sat snow ball w/red case band peterborough, nh

feb 1 sat feast of lights masquerade dance party w/gaslight tinkers northampton, ma

feb 8 sat contra dance w/red case band greenfield, ma Cancelled due to weather

feb 22 sat contra dance w/alex cumming sheffield, ma

feb 27 thurs concert w/gaslight tinkers northampton, ma

march 8 sat contra dance w/red case band greenfield, ma

march 22 Sat contra dance w/wood thrush sheffield, ma

march 23 sun student music concert sheffield, ma

march 29 sat concert w/gaslight tinkers Brattleboro, vt

april 5 sat contra dance w/red case band montpelier, vt

april 11 fri contra dance w/red case band albany, ny

april 12 sat contra dance w/red case band greenfield, ma

april 19 sat full moon coffee house w/gaslight tinkers wendell, ma

april 25-27 raindance weekend w/red case band portland, or


The Gaslight Tinkers Promo


Red Case Band playing for a Contra Dance at the Concord Scout House